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Trauma Chat Episode 01

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Hi! You might be here because you suspect that you are affected by trauma, or maybe someone you love experienced trauma and you want to understand how they feel so you can help them. Whatever brought you here, thanks for coming to this space!

Trauma can make you feel very isolated, wondering if anyone would understand if they knew how you feel, think and behave. If you have experienced trauma, you’re definitely not alone! More than 67% of adults have experienced some form of trauma or attachment wounds during childhood, according to the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (more about that in a future episode of Trauma Chat!).

If you’re one of them, we want you to know that you’re in the right place. Use our website to learn more about trauma by reading our blog articles on trauma.

We recommend starting with this post: A Comprehensive Guide to Healing from Trauma in Therapy.

Welcome to the Trauma Chat Podcast with Laura Reagan, LCSW-C. I’m Laura, and I host a popular and long running podcast called Therapy Chat, which you can find here. T

herapy Chat was originally created with an audience of therapists and other helping professionals in mind, but anyone can listen and learn about the various therapies and strategies that can help individuals who have experienced trauma, loss, abandonment, betrayal, grief, abuse, relationship violence, other gender-based violence, community violence, war, and any of the other types of situations that can lead one to being traumatized.

Trauma Chat is different. Created by a therapist, (me), Laura Reagan, LCSW-C, this show teaches basic information that will help trauma survivors understand why they may feel the way they do.

I, too, am a trauma survivor and despite being a trauma therapist for over a decade, I didn’t realize some of the ways trauma was showing up for me (neither did my past therapists). So don’t feel bad if you’re in the same boat – especially if you’re not a trauma therapist! How could you know?

This is a podcast for anyone who wants to learn about trauma – what it is, how it shows up in our lives and how to heal. I created it to be brief and easier to digest than the longer conversations heard on Therapy Chat. When we are trying to learn about trauma, it is easy to become overwhelmed with all of the information.

Trauma is prevalent across the world, yet so often people don’t even realize they are affected by trauma. Trauma Chat is here to remind you that you are not alone, healing is possible, and help is out there for you.

Here’s the description of what’s included in this episode:

In this episode, you’ll hear host, Laura Reagan, LCSW-C ,  introduce herself and explain what the show is about and why she started this new podcast. 

Trauma Chat’s first season was released in 2021. Then I ran out of steam and haven’t been able to come back to it yet since I’m still producing my other podcast, Therapy Chat, weekly.

I also offer coaching, clinical consultation for therapists and a membership community for trauma therapists. This site also includes a searchable directory to help you find a therapist, (North America only as of July 2023 – UK options coming in late 2023!), additional resources for learning and training recommendations for therapists.

Subscribe to our e-mail list to get updates on when Trauma Chat will be releasing new episodes!

Episode Details:

Get more information on Trauma Chat at: www.traumachatpod.com. Sign up for the email list to stay in touch and receive a free gift! 

To listen to Laura’s other podcast, Therapy Chat, go to: www.therapychatpodcast.com  

If you like Trauma Chat please go to iTunes and leave a rating and review and subscribe to receive each episode as soon as it comes out. 

Follow Trauma Chat on Instagram: www.instagram.com/traumachatpod 

Follow Therapy Chat on Instagram: www.instagram.com/therapychatpod

Follow Trauma Therapy Coaching & Consulting on Facebook: www.facebook.com/traumatherapyconsulting  

Podcast Produced by Pete Bailey – https://petebailey.net/audio 

Laura Reagan, LCSW-C

Integrative Trauma Psychotherapy, Clinical Supervision, Consulting, Coaching & Training

Owner, Baltimore Annapolis Center for  Integrative Healing – Request Appointment for trauma therapy (Maryland only)

Founder, Trauma Therapist Network https://traumatherapistnetwork.com 

Host of Therapy Chat Podcast https://therapychatpodcast.com 

Host of Trauma Chat Podcast https://traumachatpod.com 

Find a Trauma Therapist in your area here: https://traumatherapistnetwork.com/therapists   

Therapists, Trauma Therapist Network includes a searchable directory as well as a membership community meeting weekly for support, consultation, training and self care. Learn more and join the waiting list here: https://go.traumatherapistnetwork.com/join  

Find a list of my recommended books, trainings + workshops for healing trauma here: https://traumatherapistnetwork.com/recommendations/ 

Join my e-mail list here: https://go.traumatherapistnetwork.com/updates 

Request an appointment for coaching here: https://calendly.com/traumatherapistnetwork/coaching-with-laura-reagan 

Request an appointment for clinical consultation (therapists) here: https://calendly.com/traumatherapistnetwork/clinical-consultation

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Post Details

Original Date

June 10, 2021

About the Host

Laura Reagan, LCSW-C

Laura Reagan, LCSW-C is an integrative trauma therapist and owner of a group practice, the Baltimore Annapolis Center for Integrative Healing. She is also the host of Therapy Chat and Trauma Chat podcasts and the founder of the Trauma Therapist Network, a website for learning information about trauma and finding resources and help for trauma.

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Trauma Chat Podcast